import os
import sys
import json
import time
import subprocess
import signal
import socket
import requests
import http.server
import socketserver
import numpy as np
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, session, current_app
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room, leave_room
from firefly.data_reader import SimpleReader
#in principle, we could read in the data here...
app = Flask(__name__)
# Set this variable to "threading", "eventlet" ,"gevent" or "gevent_uwsgi" to test the
# different async modes, or leave it set to None for the application to choose
# the best option based on installed packages.
async_mode = "eventlet" #"eventlet" is WAY better than "threading"
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret!'
socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode=async_mode)
namespace = '/Firefly'
default_room = 'default_Firefly_AMG_ABG'
rooms = {} #will be updated below
#number of seconds between updates
seconds = 0.01
#for the stream
fps = 30
dec = 1
#check if the GUI is separated to see if we need to send a reload signal (currently not used)
GUIseparated = False
####### setting the room (to keep each session distinct)
@socketio.on('join', namespace=namespace)
def on_join(message):
global rooms
# join the room
room = message['room']
rooms[request.sid] = room
print('======= in room', room)
# This will probalby never fire
@socketio.on('leave', namespace=namespace)
def on_leave(message):
print(f'======= sid {request.sid} left room {rooms[request.sid]}', )
# this should fire when a user closes/refreshes their browser
@socketio.on('disconnect', namespace=namespace)
def disconnect():
if (request.sid in rooms):
print(f'======= sid {request.sid} disconnected from room {rooms[request.sid]}', )
# remove this room from the dict
rooms.pop(request.sid, None)
# will fire when user connects
@socketio.on('connect', namespace=namespace)
def connect():
# if there is a room defined, emit that. If there is no room defined, then the client will be prompted to enter one before joining
emit('room_check',{'room': default_room}, namespace=namespace)
# testing the connection
@socketio.on('connection_test', namespace=namespace)
def connection_test(message):
print('======= connected', message)
# session['receive_count'] = session.get('receive_count', 0) + 1
# emit('connection_response',{'data': message['data'], 'count': session['receive_count']}, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
######for viewer
#will receive data from viewer
@socketio.on('viewer_input', namespace=namespace)
def viewer_input(message):
if (request.sid in rooms):
socketio.emit('update_viewerParams', message, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
#######for GUI
#will receive data from gui
@socketio.on('gui_input', namespace=namespace)
def gui_input(message):
if (request.sid in rooms):
socketio.emit('update_GUIParams', message, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
@socketio.on('separate_GUI', namespace=namespace)
def separate_GUI():
global GUIseparated
GUIseparated = True
#######for Streamer
#passing the rendered texture
#trying with post below because this only seems to work when on the same localhost
# @socketio.on('streamer_input', namespace=namespace)
# def streamer_input(blob):
# socketio.emit('update_streamer', blob, namespace=namespace)
########reading in a directory of hdf5 or csv files
@socketio.on('input_otherType', namespace=namespace)
def input_otherType(filedir):
print('======= showing loader')
socketio.emit('show_loader', None, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
fdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'static','data',filedir)
#check the file types
ftype = '.hdf5'
for f in os.listdir(fdir):
if ('.csv' in f):
ftype = '.csv'
if ('.hdf5' in f):
ftype = '.hdf5'
print('======= have input '+ftype+' data file(s) in', fdir)
reader = SimpleReader(fdir, write_to_disk=False, extension=ftype, decimation_factor=dec)
data = json.loads(reader.JSON)
print('======= have data from file(s), sending to viewer ...')
socketio.emit('input_data', {'status':'start', 'length':len(data)}, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
for fname in data:
print(fname, len(data[fname]))
output = {fname:data[fname], 'status':'data'}
socketio.emit('input_data', output, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
socketio.emit('input_data', {'status':'done'}, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
print('======= done')
#flask stuff
def viewer():
return render_template("viewer.html")
def gui():
return render_template("gui.html")
def default():
return render_template("default.html")
def default1():
return render_template("default.html")
def default2():
return render_template("default.html")
def combined():
return render_template("combined.html")
def cardboard():
return render_template("VR.html")
@app.route('/data_input', methods = ['POST'])
def data_input():
print('======= receiving data from server ...')
jsondata = request.get_json()
if jsondata is None: return
sze = sys.getsizeof(jsondata)
print("======= size of data", sze)
try: data = json.loads(jsondata)
return 'Error'
if ('room' in data):
## need to remove it from the request because we don't want to send it to
## the firefly instance on the other side, just need to identify the socket.
room = data.pop('room')
room = default_room
if (room):
print('======= showing loader')
socketio.emit('show_loader', None, namespace=namespace, to=room)
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
print('======= sending data to viewer ...')#,data.keys())
socketio.emit('input_data', {'status':'start', 'length':len(data)}, namespace=namespace, to=room)
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
for fname in data:
print(fname, len(data[fname]))
output = {fname:data[fname], 'status':'data'}
socketio.emit('input_data', output, namespace=namespace, to=room)
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
socketio.emit('input_data', {'status':'done'}, namespace=namespace, to=room)
socketio.sleep(0.1) #to make sure that the above emit is executed
print('======= done')
return 'Done'
print('User must specify a name for the websocket "room" connected to an active firefly instance.')
return 'Error'
def streamer():
return render_template("streamer.html", input=json.dumps({'fps':fps}))
@app.route('/stream_input', methods = ['GET','POST'])
def stream_input():
# get the image
blob = request.files['image']
blob_binary ='tmp.jpg')
# get the room
room = request.form['room']
socketio.emit('update_streamer', blob_binary, namespace=namespace, to=room) #broadcast = True,
return 'Done'
def reload():
#currently not used
if (GUIseparated):
print('======= reloading GUI')
socketio.emit('reload_GUI', None, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
print('======= reloading viewer')
socketio.emit('reload_viewer', None, namespace=namespace, to=rooms[request.sid])
# Helper functions to start/stop the server
[docs]def startFlaskServer(
"""Creates a global interpreter locked process to host a Flask server
that can be accessed via localhost:<port>.
:param port: port number to serve the :code:`.html` files on, defaults to 5500
:type port: int, optional
:param frames_per_second: enforced FPS for stream quality, used only if
localhost:<port>/stream is accessed, defaults to 30
:type frames_per_second: int, optional
:param decimation_factor: factor to decimate data that is being passed through
localhost:<port>/data_input, defaults to 1
:type decimation_factor: int, optional
:param multiple_rooms: allow multiple rooms? If True, the user will be prompted in the browser to enter
a string to define the room for the given session (which would allow multiple users to interact with
separate Firefly instances on a server), defaults to False.
:type multiple_rooms: bool, optional
global default_room
if (multiple_rooms): default_room = None
if (directory is None or directory == "None"): directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
old_dir = os.getcwd()
print(f"Launching Firefly at: http://localhost:{port}")
if (directory is not None and directory != "None"):
print(f"from directory {directory}")
app.static_folder = os.path.join(directory, 'static')
app.template_folder = os.path.join(directory, 'templates')
global fps, dec
fps = frames_per_second
dec = decimation_factor, host='', port=port)#, use_reloader=True)
except: raise
finally: os.chdir(old_dir)
[docs]def startHTTPServer(port=5500,directory=None):
"""Creates a global interpreter locked process to host either a Flask
or HTTP server that can be accessed via localhost:<port>.
:param port: port number to serve the :code:`.html` files on, defaults to 5500
:type port: int, optional
:param directory: the directory of the Firefly source files to be served,
if None, uses `os.dirname(__file__)` i.e. the directory of the `firefly`
python distribution, defaults to None
:type directory: str, optional
if directory is None: directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", port), Handler) as httpd:
print(f'Serving {os.getcwd()}/index.html at http://{ipaddress}:{port}')
[docs]def spawnFireflyServer(
""" Starts a Firefly server as a background process. Close the server by calling
:param port: port number to serve the :code:`.html` files on, defaults to 5500
:type port: int, optional
:param method: what sort of Firefly server to open, a Flask ("flask") server
or an HTTP ("http"), defaults to "flask"
:type method: str, optional
:param directory: the directory of the Firefly source files to be served,
if None, uses `os.dirname(__file__)` i.e. the directory of the `firefly`
python distribution, defaults to None
:type directory: str, optional
:param frames_per_second: enforced FPS for stream quality, used only if
localhost:<port>/stream is accessed, defaults to 30
:type frames_per_second: int, optional
:param decimation_factor: factor to decimate data that is being passed through
localhost:<port>/data_input, defaults to 1
:type decimation_factor: int, optional
:param max_time: maximum amount of time to wait for a Firefly server
to be available.
:type max_time: float, optional
:param multiple_rooms: allow multiple rooms? If True, the user will be prompted in the browser to enter
a string to define the room for the given session (which would allow multiple users to interact with
separate Firefly instances on a server), defaults to False.
:type multiple_rooms: bool, optional
:return: subprocess.Popen
:rtype: subprocess handler
:raises RuntimeError: if max_time elapses without a successful Firefly server being initialized.
port = int(port)
## wrap passed arguments into a list of strings
args = [
if (multiple_rooms):
## use this (even if the other directory has one)
## since it can be run remotely
run_server = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'bin','firefly')
process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, run_server]+args)
init_time = time.time()
## check if port is in use
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
"Waiting up to %d seconds for background Firefly server to start..."%max_time,
while True:
try:'http://localhost:{port:d}',json="test"); break
## need to re-check the connection each iteration
if time.time()-init_time >= max_time: raise RuntimeError(
"Hit max wait-time of %d seconds."%max_time+
" A Firefly server could not be opened in the background.")
else: print(".",end=""); time.sleep(1)
print(f"done! Your server is available at - http://localhost:{port}")
return process
[docs]def quitAllFireflyServers(pid=None):
"""Quit python processes associated with hosting Flask web-servers.
:param pid: process id to quit, defaults to None, quitting all processes
:type pid: int, optional
:return: return_code
:rtype: int
print("Server output:")
## quit indiscriminately
if pid is None: return_code = os.system("ps aux | grep '' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill")
## quit only the pid we were passed, ideally from the subprocess.Popen().pid but
## you know I don't judge.
else: return_code = os.kill(pid,signal.SIGINT)
return return_code