.. _flask: Sending data to a Firefly server via Flask ========================================== .. warning:: To send data to an active Firefly webserver you will need to launch Firefly :ref:`using a method involving Flask `. When Firefly is hosted with a Flask webserver a `localhost:xxxx/data_input `_ endpoint is exposed through which new particle data, settings, and tween params can passed to an active Firefly visualization. Using this endpoint, it is possible to circumvent the need to output data to :code:`.ffly` files entirely, instead creating a Python string (formatted to contain the :code:`.json` data that *would've* been written to disk as a :code:`.ffly` file) that is :code:`POST`'d to the data input endpoint using the :code:`requests` Python module. To facilitate this, we provide the :func:`firefly.data_reader.Reader.sendDataViaFlask` method, which will output the data contained in a :class:`~firefly.data_reader.Reader` instance to a :code:`JSON` *string* and then :code:`POST` it to the data input endpoint of the specified localhost port. .. toctree:: flask_tutorial