%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import numpy as np
import os

import sys
## ignore these lines, you do not need to add this if Firefly is pip installed into your PYTHONPATH
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/ageller/VISUALIZATIONS/Firefly')
from firefly.data_reader import FIREreader,SimpleFIREreader,TweenParams
from abg_python.galaxy.gal_utils import Galaxy
don't have phil's colormaps

Convert FIRE data

In this example notebook we demonstrate how to use the firefly.data_reader.FIREreader sub-class which creates specialized data files for FIRE formatted data. The details of how the FIREreader class is “specialized” see the API documentation and to see the example of this output visit the live demo version.

galaxy = Galaxy('m12b_res57000',600)
Couldn't find a metadata file... for
 Metadata object at /Users/agurvich/scratch/data/metal_diffusion/m12b_res57000/metadata/meta_Galaxy_600.hdf5
No rstar 1/2 in halo or metadata files, we will need to calculate it ourselves.
Loading star particles of m12b_res57000 at 600 at /Users/agurvich/snaps/metal_diffusion/m12b_res57000/output
Failed to open saved sub-snapshots AssertionError('Told not to use saved sub-snapshots')
Loading gas particles of m12b_res57000 at 600 at /Users/agurvich/snaps/metal_diffusion/m12b_res57000/output
Loading dark matter particles of m12b_res57000 at 600 at /Users/agurvich/snaps/metal_diffusion/m12b_res57000/output
extract_halo_inner(m12b_res57000 at 600,){'orient_stars': True, 'use_saved_subsnapshots': False} 19.53 s elapsed
Snapshot memory free
thetas = np.linspace(0,360,1000)/180*np.pi
coords = np.zeros((thetas.size,3))
coords[:,0] = 0
coords[:,1] = np.cos(thetas)
coords[:,2] = np.sin(thetas)
my_tweenParams = TweenParams(coords,30) ## dt = 3000 ms between frames
## create a FIRE reader object
reader = FIREreader(
    ## path to directory containing (optionally multiple) .hdf5 files
    snapdir = "/Users/agurvich/research/snaps/metal_diffusion/m12b_res57000/output/",
    ## the snapshot number, best to provide separately in order to disambiguate
    snapnum = 600,
    ## particle types one would like to extract from .hdf5 files
    ## what to call them in the UI
    ## by what factor would we like to reduce the data for performance stability and disk space concerns
    ## what fields would we like to extract
    ## do we want to take the magnitude of any of these fields?
    ## do we want to take the log?
    ## which fields do we want to be able to filter on?
    ## which fields do we want to be able to colormap by?
    ## where should the output .json files be saved to?
    ##  if a relative path is given, like here, saves to $HOME/<JSONdir>
    ##  and creates a soft-link to firefly/static/data
    ## overwrite the existing startup.json file

## fetch data from .hdf5 files
Loading ptype 2
Loading ptype 1
Loading ptype 4
Loading ptype 0
array([Gas - 622573/6225729 particles - 4 tracked fields,
       Stars - 326473/3264723 particles - 3 tracked fields,
       HRDM - 186461/9323040 particles - 2 tracked fields,
       LRDM - 60846/3042265 particles - 2 tracked fields], dtype=object)
## initialize the camera view
camera = np.array([251,-117,82])
camera = camera/np.linalg.norm(camera)*250
reader.settings['camera'] = camera

## set the initial colors of each of the particle groups
reader.settings['color']['Stars'] = [1,1,1,0.025]
reader.settings['color']['HRDM'] = [0.5,0,0.5,1]
reader.settings['color']['LRDM'] = [0.5,0,0.5,1]

## set the sizes of each of the particle groups
## initialize the gas with a colormap
reader.settings['showColormap']['Gas'] = True
reader.settings['blendingMode']['Gas'] = 'normal'
reader.settings['depthTest']['Gas'] = True
reader.settings['colormapVariable']['Gas'] = 3
reader.settings['colormapLims']['Gas']['Velocity'] = [50,500]
reader.settings['colormapVals']['Gas']['Velocity'] = [50,500]

## initialize the gas with radius scaling (index 1 corresponds to Temperature, specified above)
reader.settings['radiusVariable']['Gas'] = 1

## initialize gas with velocity vectors
reader.settings['showVel']['Gas'] = True
reader.settings['velType']['Gas'] = 'arrow'

## initialize HRDM with a filter excluding the center so as not to crowd the view
reader.settings['filterVals']['HRDM']['GCRadius'] = [300,5000]
reader.settings['filterLims']['HRDM']['GCRadius'] = [0,5000]
## dump output to .ffly files
Gas - 622573/6225729 particles - 4 tracked fields
Stars - 326473/3264723 particles - 3 tracked fields
HRDM - 186461/9323040 particles - 2 tracked fields
LRDM - 60846/3042265 particles - 2 tracked fields
Gas - 3112865/6225729 particles - 4 tracked fields
Stars - 1632362/3264723 particles - 3 tracked fields
HRDM - 932304/9323040 particles - 2 tracked fields
LRDM - 304227/3042265 particles - 2 tracked fields
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Using firefly.data_reader.SimpleFIREreader

To simplify this process we have provided firefly.data_reader.SimpleFIREreader which takes a path to a FIRE snapshot and creates a basic iteration of Firefly showing the gas and stars given only a path to the data.

reader = SimpleFIREreader(
    ## path to directory containing (optionally multiple) .hdf5 files
    path_to_snapshot = "/Users/agurvich/research/snaps/metal_diffusion/m12b_res57000/output/snapdir_600",
    ## overwrite the existing startup.json file
    ## pass absolute path to avoid symlink
Loading ptype 4
Loading ptype 0
Outputting: Gas - 622573/6225729 particles - 3 tracked fields
Outputting: Stars - 326473/3264723 particles - 3 tracked fields