
class firefly.data_reader.SimpleFIREreader(path_to_snapshot, decimation_factor=10, JSONdir=None, write_to_disk=True, com=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: firefly.data_reader.FIREreader.FIREreader

__init__(path_to_snapshot, decimation_factor=10, JSONdir=None, write_to_disk=True, com=False, **kwargs)[source]
A wrapper to firefly.data_reader.FIREreader that will open

FIRE collaboration formatted data with minimal interaction from the user and use a “standard” firefly setup with:

ptypes = [0,4]

UInames = ['gas','stars']

fields = ['AgeGyr','Temperature','GCRadius']

along with some “standard” settings with:

settings['color']['gas'] = [1,0,0,1]

settings['color']['stars'] = [0,0,1,1]

settings['sizeMult']['gas'] = 1

settings['sizeMult']['stars'] = 1

settings['camera'] = [0,0,-15]

  • path_to_snapshot (str) – path to .hdf5 file(s; can be a directory)

  • decimation_factor (int, optional) – factor by which to reduce the data randomly i.e. data=data[::decimation_factor], defaults to 10

  • JSONdir (str, optional) – the sub-directory that will contain your JSON files, relative to your $HOME directory. , defaults to $HOME/<JSON_prefix>

  • write_to_disk (bool, optional) – flag that controls whether data is saved to disk (True) or only converted to a string and stored in self.JSON (False), defaults to True

  • com (bool, optional) – flag to offset all coordinates by the COM of the snapshot, defaults to False


ValueError – if a snapnum cannot be inferred from the path_to_snapshot