Camera controls


Upon startup this sub-panel will be collapsed. Click on the downward facing arrow on the right side to expand the sub-panel, as shown in the image above. Within the Camera Controls, you will see the current values of the Center, Camera and Rotation.

These are updated as you change the view (with your mouse or keyboard; see above).


You cannot edit these fields directly even though they appear as text input boxes. They are only for reference, i.e. if you want to use a different program to render your data from the same perspective.


Next to the Center text boxes, you will see a checkbox labelled “Lock”. This will allow you to switch between Trackball and Fly controls.


Below the text boxes you will see three buttons.

“Save” allows you to mark the current location, which you can return to if you click the “Reset” button. “Recenter” resets only the center back to the initial value (or the previous save, if clicked).


Below those buttons, is the “Friction” slider and text entry box. For Trackball mode, this controls the rate that the camera stops moving after you release the mouse. For Fly mode this controls the speed that you move around while pressing the keyboard control buttons.


Finally, there is a “Stereo” checkbox, slider and text entry box. If you click the checkbox, the renderer changes to stereoscopic side-by-side mode. The slider and text entry box controls the separation between the cameras in the stereoscopic mode. This can be used with a 3D display and glasses that can overlay the two images to produce a 3D image.

The slider adjusts the image separation to adjust eye distance for the 3D effect.

See also

There is experimental support for VR using the stereoscopic mode, see Experimental features.


Using the checkbox labeled Tween, the camera’s position and orientation will be smoothly adjusted according to the keyframes defined by the user in the TweenParams.

See the frontend documentation for details.